#Fire emblem fates randomizer hans Patch
I took the freedom to integrate the Expanded Same-Sex Marriage patch by UnassumingVenusaur and the Good Guy Garon Edition patch by AgahnimD."Catch 'em all" mode: minimize duplicate final classes according to the chosen route.Fixed skill randomization and removed unbalanced ones (Aptitude (108), Bold Stance (120), Point Blank (121), Winged Shield (122), Paragon (138), Armor Shield (139), Beast Shield (140), Taker Skills (142->148), Ballistician skills (149->152), Warp (154)).
#Fire emblem fates randomizer hans mod
Lck / ? (default: % chance, only if Lck stat / growth / mod is superior).Str / Mag (default: according to class).Random swaps of stats / growths / mods can occur (always all three, except for Lck):.25% chance of shuffling 1 modifier point.10 passes per character, with each pass having:.Similar to the original randomizer, stats will be shuffled a bit.Fuga becomes completely busted if this is not done.In counterpart, it is possible to decrease their total base stats to a certain value to keep things balanced (default: 25).

On the other hand, I set out to upgrade the whole Fire Emblem experience by rebalancing weapons and adding several quality of life improvements. The biggest selling point is the possibility to do a pseudo-Pick My Unit run: if you wish, you can limit yourself to the first 16 units recruited with their classes locked to the ones shown in the ClassSpread.csv file generated by the script. On the one hand, I refined the randomizer's algorithm in order to provide a more enjoyable game experience. The repository can be found by searching Upgraded Fire Emblem Fates Randomizer on Google, clicking on the first Reddit link and following the link to the Github repository (I do not have enough posts to share the link.). This is a barbaric but working improvement of thane89's Fire Emblem Fates Randomizer.